Signing Manifesto for End of Life Management Act as of Januari 14, 2025 (Em = emeritus)

  1. Mr. Willem Anker (Criminal Law).
  2. Henk Blanken (writer/journalist, published articles about euthanasia in the case of deep dementia).
  3. Onno J. Bosma (Writer De jas met alle kleuren).
  4. Em. Prof. dr. René Diekstra (Psychologist; recipient of the Erwin Stengel Award, the highest international award in the field of suicide problems).
  5. Wim van Dijk (Psychologist).
  6. Adriaan van Dis (Writer of an extensive oeuvre).
  7. Hanneke Groenteman (journalist and television presenter).
  8. Albert C. Heringa (Developmental ecologist).
  9. Dr. mr. Rudi Holzhauer (Law, Philosophy)).
  10. Albert de Jong (Psychotherapist).
  11. Catherine Keyl (Columnist Telegraaf).
  12. Loes Luca (Actrice, comédienne).
  13. Jurjen Pen (Criminal Law, writer).
  14. Em. Prof. dr. Ype Poortinga (Behavioral Sciences).
  15. Dr. Klaas Rozemond (Criminal Law, Chief Scientific Officer, writer Het zelfgekozen levenseinde).
  16. Frits Spangenberg (Macro-sociologist, founder of Motivaction. Previouosly  chairman Cooperation Last Will).
  17. Em. Prof. Dr. D Swaab (Physician, Neurobiologst).
  18. Em. Prof. dr. Egbert Tellegen ( Sociology, Environmental Science).
  19. Em. Prof. dr. ir. Henk van Tilborg (Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Coding Theory and Cryptology, previously chairman of the Alzheimer Foundation North Brabant).
  20. Mr. Jan Uijen (Strafrecht).

Participating in the Support Committee End-of-Life Management Act as of December 15, 2023 

DescLAB/Eutanasia y Muerte Digna Columbia.

Israel Society to Live and Die with Dignity.

The Association Québécoise pour le Droit de Mourir dans la Dignité (AQDMD; Montréal Canada).

Choice and Dignity And-of-Life Advocacy USA.

The Life Circle Association (New Zealand).

Right to Die Society of Canada.

DignitySA (South Africa).

ALS Patient Association.

Invisibly Ill Foundation.