CONCEPT Manifesto Citizens’ Initiative End-of-Life Management
The brief Proposal End-of-Life Management Act is:
1. You decide YOURSELF about your euthanasia request.
2. The certified End-of-Life Counselor does not assess whether your suffering is unbearable and/or hopeles and/or whether you suffer from a completed lif, and if you see no reasonable solution other than euthanasia. The End-of-Life Counselor assesses only whether you are well informed about medical options and whether you want voluntary and well-considered euthanasia.
3. The volunteer doctor carries out the compassionate euthanasia with careful medical care (no doctor is obliged to do this).
4. Instead of palliative sedation, you may opt for immediate euthanasia, regardless of whether or not you have previously made an advance directive (a Euthanasia Statement).
5. There will be an Institute for End-of-Life Guidance, that ensures the training of the End-of-Life counselor, appoints doctors, monitors the execution of euthanasia, etc.
The Proposal End-of-Life Management Act was written in ten consultation rounds with legal and ethical advice. The full text can be found at
The manifesto Citizens Initiative End-of-Life Management is supported by (November 12, 2023):
Signing Manifesto for End-of-Life Management Act as of January 5, 2024 (Em = emeritus)
Willem Anker (Mr. Criminal Law)
Adriaan van Dis (writer).
Klaas Rozemond (Dr. Criminal Law, assistent professor).
Hanneke Groenteman (journalist and television presenter).
Catherine Keyl (Telegraaf columnist).
Henk van Tilborg (Em. Prof. dr. ir. Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Coding Theory and Cryptology, previously chairman of the Alzheimer Foundation North Brabant).
Ype Poortinga (Em. Prof. Dr. Behavioral Sciences).
Albert C. Heringa (Developmental ecologist).
Egbert Tellegen (Em. Prof. Dr. Sociology, Environmental Science).
Albert de Jong (Psychotherapist).
Jurjen Pen (Mr. Criminal Law).
Jan Uijen (Mr. Criminal Law).
Onno J. Bosma (writer of the Coat with All Colors).
Rudi Holzhauer (Dr. mr. Law, Philosophy).
Wim van Dijk (activist End-of-Life Management).
Signatories Support Committee Citizens Initiative Proposal End-of-Life Management Bill (14 december 2023)
DescLAB/Eutanasia y Muerte Digna Columbia.
Israel Society to Live and Die with Dignity.
The Association Québécoise pour le Droit de Mourir dans la Dignité (AQDMD; Montréal Canada).
Choice and Dignity End-of-Life Advocacy USA.
The Life Circle Association (New Zealand).
Right to Die Society of Canada.
DignitySA (South Africa).
ALS Patient Foundation (The Netherlands).
Foundation Invisible Ilnesses (The Netherlands).
The final content will be discussed with those who support the manifesto in early January 2024.